Tuesday, July 8, 2008

And since then...

(more photos forthcoming.  I ran out of memory space and have to get contributions from Daddy's and E's cameras.)

July 6, 2008

Daddy and E headed off to Freeport for "bargains" and the rest of us hung out at the lake.

J took us kayaking...

... the kids went swimming (in MAINE!!)...

... and several of us snoozed a bit.

And then -- breaking news!!  -- I, myself, went into the water.


Once the shoppers returned, we had margaritas on the dock (an inspired idea, really, as it turned out)...

and halibut for dinner.

July 7, 2008

We (sniff!) said goodbye to J&J, and headed off to visit Daddy's ancestral campgrounds (a little due diligence for J, maybe, next year).

Then we drove, and drove, and drove.

(It actually wasn't as bad as Mapquest warned us it would be.  Still, it takes a long time to get from Sebago Lake to Calais (pronounced, essentially, "callous").  It doesn't take any time at all to get through customs, unless you want to get five passports actually stamped, which needless to say, we did.  If you want stamps you have to clear first in the quite efficient drive-through, then park your car, then all tromp into the immigration station, then wander around until you find somebody willing to talk to you, then answer all the same questions all over again, then wait while each of your pictures is matched up to your faces.

But it's worth it, huh?)

Then we drove a little more, until we reached the Rossmount Inn in St. Andrews-by-the-Sea.  We had dinner at the restaurant -- S and particularly J were too tired and stuffed with car snacks to enjoy it much, but my scallops were divine -- and went to bed.

July 8, 2008

After breakfast, we sallied forth to Kingsbrae Garden.

I had a really great time.  

(Later, at my leisure, I will post on thisdarngarden about my revelation there re: David Hicks.)

As well, while there the garden gave me a flier for a trip sponsored by the Candadian railways.  Here's the concept: a transcontinental train ride from Halifax to Victoria, stopping at twentyfive gardens along the way!  I was speechless.

We went into town for lunch.  ______ had been written up in Lonely Planet; alas, their kitchen was not functioning up to the standards of their atmosphere.

After lunch we stopped at the aquarium...

... returned to the hotel for a quick swim and change of clothes...

... stopped ever so briefly at ________ Point to look at the Bay of Fundy tide pools (we'll have more time tomorrow, but we won't be HERE tomorrow)...

and went back into town for dinner.

It's really, really pretty here.

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