Saturday, July 5, 2008

Just to get things started...

OK, well, I've been fighting a cold and insufficient sleep; so this may not start up to usual standards, but before I forget:

July 3, 2008

We picked up the youngest from camp at three; dropped the dog off around four; and made our way up to Massachusetts for the first night.

There was a lot of traffic and we had to stop at the office to pick up one last piece of electronic equipment; it was close to seven-thirty by the time we got there.

But we had lamb for dinner, and pie for dessert, and it was very, very nice.

July 4, 2008

As is usual, our launch was as smooth as a NASA shuttle.  We aimed to depart by 10:00.  We actually got off by 10:30.  We made it to Portland with a mere three stops (one for gas, one for maps, one for facilities... NASA might have combined more successfully, but oh well) by 1:30.  
1:30 was pushing it a bit for lunch, so we grabbed a few fleeces from the back of the minivan and hurried out for lunch.

After lunched we poked around for a few hours.

Finally we returned to the van... to discover that we'd left the door AJAR the entire time we'd been in Portland.

Fortunately (??) all the electronics were still intact.

We made our way up to Sebago Lake, where the younger kids had a lot of fun rocking the dock while the rest of us attended to very important stuff...


A little later, Great Aunt B and Tio J orchestrated a readaloud of the Declaration of Independence, which I thought was an inspired idea.  We had hot dogs and hamburgers and chicken sausages for dinner, and fell asleep listening to the distant booms of family-fired firecrackers.

July 5, 2008

After a delicious blueberry pancake breakfast whipped up by J, we... hung around.  One of the kids actually went swimming.  In Maine!  

Finally after lunch we roused ourselves to go to a local carnival.  Everyone found something to love:

After such strenuous effort, we returned to the lake to recuperate...

... and eat lobsters and clams!

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